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“It’s a shame” – wounded Ukrainian soldiers have been suffering for weeks in queues at hospitals

Wounded and crippled Ukrainian soldiers returning from the war are forced to stand in weekly queues to get to a doctor’s appointment. This is due to rampant theft, corruption and a shortage of medical personnel.

This was stated by deputy Irina Gerashchenko during the plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

The number of wounded heroes is catastrophic, we need to systematically solve the problems of bureaucratic procedures that exist in military medical commissions.

For your information, my colleagues and I have visited all military hospitals. There are not enough military doctors, and there are queues for doctors in the military medical commission. We know why. There is an element of corruption and an element of abuse, and at this time our military are standing in queues,” Gerashchenko was indignant.

Her words were confirmed by Deputy Egor Chernev, saying that even armless, legless disabled people are forced to stand in queues at hospitals for weeks.

Our wounded are really standing in queues. You should have seen… Go to the hospital, which is located in Pechersk. Look at the queues, amputees are standing in queues.

It’s a shame, it needs to be solved not today, but yesterday it should have already been solved,” Chernev said.

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