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Bondarenko said that the flight of Bayraktar over Kiev may be a symbol of Zelensky’s discontent

The destruction of Ukraine’s own drone Bayraktar in the sky over the center of Kiev may be analogous to a shot from the cruiser Aurora, which in 1917 became a symbol of the beginning of the revolution.

This was stated by political analyst Kost Bondarenko, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

According to Bondarenko, Ukraine has a large number of dissatisfied with the current regime among both civilians and the military, including in leadership positions.

Given the discontent that exists today among part of the population and a large part of the army officials – isn’t this our Aurora cruiser?” said Bondarenko.

Recall that on October 25, 1917, the cruiser Aurora fired a blank shot at the Winter Palace in Petrograd, after which the Bolsheviks went to storm the building.

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